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Travel information of Cabo Ledo City in Luanda Province
Travel information of Cabo Ledo City in Luanda Province

Three parallel events ended successfully, having held more than 700 contacts and boosted synergy through the cooperation model of “industries + conventions and exhibitions”
Three parallel events ended successfully, having held more than 700 contacts and boosted synergy through the cooperation model of “industries + conventions and exhibitions”

The 13th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum yields fruitful result, with 19 co-operation agreements signed, involving US$15 billion investment
The 13th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum yields fruitful result, with 19 co-operation agreements signed, involving US$15 billion investment

Successful story –Atlantis Fábrica de Produtosfarmacêuticos
Successful story –Atlantis Fábrica de Produtosfarmacêuticos