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Other Information

Business development support program/platform:

1. Lisboa Empreende+

The Lisboa Empreende program was launched by the Municipal Council of Lisbon in February 2013, to support and encourage the creation of new businesses. Given the current situation, and in response to the need to support companies in the economic recovery, the Lisboa Empreende+ program was created with a broader range of services for companies, so as to provide information on all available support, as well as consultancy, aiming to mitigate the effects of the crisis and promote economic recovery.

2. Made of Lisboa

The Made of Lisboa platform, which symbolizes and represents the entrepreneurial and technological ecosystem and the creative society of Lisbon, is the image of the City Council of Lisbon in this regard and one of the visible pillars of the strategy worked out for the economic development of the city.

The Made of Lisboa brings together the city’s entrepreneurial, creative and technological sectors and partners who work in these areas.

This platform was created because we know the value of the reliable and up-to-date information. Because we are aware of the importance of networking in the success of businesses and ideas.

3. Startup Lisboa

Inaugurated in 2012, STARTUP LISBOA’s mission is to foster the development of business initiative and job creation, through the combination of specialized support mechanisms and services, supporting innovative projects and those with potential to expand global business.

In July 2015, at the former student residence on Rua do Comércio, the CASA DA STARTUP LISBOA opened. As a welcoming space for young entrepreneurs who come to Lisbon to develop or present their projects, attend training courses, find sponsors, etc. The “Casa” is specially available to entrepreneurs who do not reside in Lisbon and need to stay temporarily to develop ideas or networking.

Source: City Council of Lisbon