Introduction to Fortaleza

Introduction to Fortaleza

Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará State and the 5th largest city in the country, is a Brazilian state capital nearest to Europe (5.608 km away from Lisbon, Portugal), and it is only 5.566 km away from Miami (USA). Its strategic geographic position allowed it to become the central data transfer point (in and out) of Brazil’s high information traffic to the rest of the world.

Thus, nowadays, all data traffic between Latin America and the rest of the world goes through Fortaleza, which means that Fortaleza is responsible for connecting Brazil to the world.

Fortaleza also has the third most prosperous metropolitan region among the North and Northeast regions. It is an important industrial and business center in Brazil, representing the eighth-highest municipal purchasing power in the country. According to the Ministry of Tourism, Fortaleza became the second most desired destination in Brazil and the fourth Brazilian city to receive more tourists. The headquarters of Banco do Nordeste, Transnordestina Logística and DNOCS are in Fortaleza.

This city is member of the Southern Common Market (Mercosul).


  • Fortaleza Municipal Hall
  • Ceará State Secretariat for Economic Development and Labour