Distribution of industrial sectors in Luanda

Distribution of industrial sectors in Luanda

Agriculture and Fishery

Agricultural production is mainly focused in the municipalities of Icolo and Bengo, Quiçama, Cacuaco, Belas and Viana

The market of industries potentially consumers of livestock products in Luanda is significant, which is an important factor that enhances its development. The livestock activity has favorable conditions throughout the rural province, in particular for the breeding of cattle, goats, pigs, sheep and birds.

The levels for demand of fish has been increasing, and it is expected that, as a result of the population increase and changes in the Angolan diet, the levels of demand will increase substantially, which opens up ideal prospects for the sector.

Industry, Geology and Mines

Luanda has the largest national industrial park, with important and diversified units and a significant potential growth.

The good conditions for the outflow of products, both for the domestic and the external markets, make Luanda the most important logistic platform in the country. The expectation that domestic consumption will keep up with the growth of the population income is a favorable factor for the development of the industry.

The Province of Luanda has mineral resources that permit the exploitation of limestone, gravel, red soil, sand, clay and siliceous sand, the largest production being found in the municipality of Cacuaco; the production of siliceous sand, however, is found exclusively in the municipality of Viana.

Tourism, Hotel Business, Commerce and Entrepreneurship

The Province of Luanda concentrates more than 80% of the country’s commercial network in the offer of goods and services. The trade sector represents a great opportunity for investors because of the high potential of business expansion, intensified by the expected population growth and increased income of the population.

In addition to the influence that business tourism brings about, it should be noted that all municipalities have places of tourist interest and leisure. The hotel sector in Luanda has been developing with new well-equipped and high quality infrastructures.

Likewise, the offer in terms of catering is wide, making the Province a pleasant place for those who visit it. It is also worth mentioning the entertainment culture in the Cape Island next to the Bay of Luanda, with many bars and restaurants.

Source: American Chamber of Commerce in Angola(AmCham Angola) and Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency of Angola – The Angolan Investment Guide