Industrial Zone and Special Economic Zone of Luanda

Industrial Zone and Special Economic Zone of Luanda

Industrial Park


The Viana Industrial Development Hub (Pólo de Desenvolvimento Industrial de Viana or PDIV) was established under Resolution No. 1/98 of 10 March and Resolution No. 4/98 of 27 March by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Angola. The resolutions define the area of the PDIV and state that on this industrial land equipped with basic infrastructure, companies can benefit from various facilitation measures, including tax incentives, incentives, and subsidies.

The PDIV is a development zone for industrial projects, occupying a total area of 2,350 hectares.

The PDIV consists of three development zones – ZONE A, ZONE B and ZONE C – with a total of 846 lots for over 500 companies.

The business activities in Zone C are different from the other two zones, being intended mainly for commercial, service, and residential projects.

Source: Viana Industrial Development Hub

Special Economic Zone

The Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

The Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE, from the Portuguese acronym), with an actual area of 4,717.91 hectares, is located in Viana, a municipality in the province of Luanda. The ZEE is mainly intended for industrial projects, standing as the largest industrial centre in Angola.

The ZEE has a commercial zone and is also developing housing, services, and other investment projects. It has plenty of resources to help boost the Angolan economy. The ZEE was established by the Angolan government in 2009 and was restructured under Presidential Decree No. 81/21 of 8 April, so as to be included in the new strategy of local revitalisation.

The main objectives of the ZEE are to promote national production, attract domestic and foreign private investment, create job opportunities, and promote economic diversification.

Source: Luanda/Bengo Special Economic Zone (SEZ)