Related Laws and Regulations
Related Laws and Regulations
Regime jurídico de licenciamento industrial
Regime jurídico da prevenção e controlo do ruído ambiental
Regulamento Geral de Segurança e Higiene do Trabalho nos Estabelecimentos Industriais
Law on fire safety of buildings and premises
Implementation Rules for the Urban Construction Legal Regime
Approval of the “Building and Venue Fire Security Technical Regulations”
Isenção de Cobrança de Taxas de Licenciamento Industrial
Food and Beverage Establishments
《Alterações ao Procedimento de Licenciamento de Estabelecimentos de Comidas e Bebidas》
“Registration System for Establishments of Takeaway Activities”
Hotels and Similar Establishments (including Restaurants)
Law on the Operation of Hotel Establishments
Enforcement Rules of the Law on the Operation of Hotel Establishments
Legal regime of hotel industry and similar industry
Regulations of hotel industry and similar industry
Legislation of travel agency activities and tour guide profession
Apólice Uniforme de Responsabilidade Civil Profissional das Agências de Viagens Portaria
Professional liability insurance for travel agency
Pharmaceutical AffairsThe Law on Pharmaceutical Activities in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Registration of Proprietary Chinese Medicines
Approval of the List of Chinese Medicines Used in the Macao SAR
Requirements for Registration of Controlled Substances
The Law on drug advertisements
Law on Medical Personnel Professional Qualification and Practising Certificate Registration Regime
Regula o exercício das profissões e das actividades farmacêuticas
Revogação de disposições do relativas à abertura de novas farmácias
Regime jurídico do erro médico
Professional Civil Liability Mandatory Insurance of Health Service Providers
Instruções sobre os procedimentos de registo, gestão, conservação e eliminação do processo clínico
“General Guidelines on Pharmaceutical Production”
“Technical Guidelines on Hygiene in Pharmaceutical Industry”
Statute of Private Schools of Non-tertiary Education
The Statute of Private Education Institutions
Fundamental Law of Non-tertiary Education System
Regime do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos
Specified forms and fee schedule for regulating the Regime of Copyright and Related Rights
Tabela de taxas devidas pelos actos previstos no Regime Jurídico da Propriedade Industrial
Incentives for industrial and commercial activities
Cria incentivos fiscais no âmbito da política industrial
Plano de Bonificação para Incentivar o Desenvolvimento e a Valorização
Plano de Apoio a Pequenas e Médias Empresas
Plano de apoio a jovens empreendedores
Employment of Non-resident Workers
Framework Law on Employment Policy and Worker’s Rights
Law on Employment of Non-Resident Workers
Regulation of the Law for the employment of non-resident workers
Aprova o modelo do título de identificação de trabalhador não residente
Aprova os modelos dos impressos de requerimentos de contratação de trabalhadores não residentes
Regulation on Prohibition of Illegal Work
Regime do benefício fiscal para a locação financeira
Benefício fiscal à contratação de pessoas portadoras de deficiência
Main Regulations about Financial Sector
Merger and Division of Financial and Insurance Institutions
Conservation of Documents of Financial Entities Excluding those pertaining to Insurance Sector
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