
Macao’s Market Information and Operational Costs

Water Meter Rental

Meter SizeMonthly Meter Rental


New Meter Installation Fees (First Installation)

Meter Size


Installation Fee for Each Meter




Domestic Water Usage

TiersConsumption (m³/2 months)Tariff (MOP/m³)
1st Tier28 or below4.48
2nd Tier29 to 605.18
3rd Tier61 to 796.04
4th Tier80 or above7.27


Non-domestic Water Usage

UsersSectorsTariff (MOP/m³)
General usersBusiness, government buildings, schools, hospitals, associations and others6.04
Special usersGaming industry, hotels, saunas, golf-courses, construction, public-infrastructures and other temporary consumption7.75

Source: Macao Water Supply Company Limited (April 2024)

Electricity Tariff (Electric power: 220V)

Group AMOP

Monthly Demand

• Subscribed demand up to 3.4 kVA

• Subscribed demand from 3.4 to 6.9 kVA

• Subscribed demand above 6.9 kVA



3.372 / kVA

Electricity Rate

• Unit rate

0.963 / kWh
Group BMOP
Monthly Demand19.797 or 21.484/ kW

Active Energy per kWh (one unit)

• Full-load hours

• Low-load hours



Reactive Energy calculated per kWh

• Full-load hours

• Low-load hours



  1. Tariff Group A is applicable to customers using electricity supplied by the low-voltage network (230/400 V) under the following conditions:
  • With a subscribed demand of up to 69 kVA; or
  • With a subscribed demand of over 69 kVA if not included in tariff groups B and C.

2.   Tariff Group B is applicable to customers using electricity supplied by the medium or low voltage network, with a subscribed demand of no less than 69 kVA and a monthly consumption of no less than 10,000 kWh.

Source: Companhia de Electricidade de Macau – CEM, S.A. (April 2024)